The Mission:
Our mission is to facilitate and coordinate the implementation of Crisis Response Therapy Dog teams in First Responder agencies, so that these teams may provide Peer Support and Animal Assisted Crisis Response to support the mental health of individuals affected by, and responding to, crises and disasters.
What is a Crisis Response K9 team?
A Crisis Response K9 Team is a certified Therapy Dog handled by a First Responder trained in Critical Incident Stress Management. This team trains together for as long as 12-18 months to develop skills set at the highest national standards of Animal Assisted Crisis Response. Each team is then tested and certified by Master K9 trainers at the Crisis Response K9 Academy. Graduates of the Academy are then able to be deployed by their Agency to provide support to those affected by critical incidents.
● Provide peer support for other First Responders
● Assist with incident debriefings within First Responder agencies
● Respond directly to major traumatic or disaster events
● Provide support to those enduring grief, loss, or trauma
● Aid prosecutors in victim interviews and depositions
● Visit medical facilities to support staff as well as patients
● Support schools during emergency drills as well as with educational visits to raise awareness about mental wellness
What does it take?
How to get started:
Step 2
- Department approval
- Selection of handler and K9 candidate
- Fundraising
Step 3
Let us facilitate the team’s veterinary wellness care, training and certification!
How does Crisis Canines of the Midlands help?
Approximate cost to start a new pup through final certification: $10,000
- Budget item usually largest hurdle for departments
- CCM accepts tax deductible private donations and business sponsorships to cover the costs of acquisition, training, wellness care, equipment, public outreach materials and certification
- Coordination and facilitation of entire training and certification process
- Ongoing quarterly refresher training for certified teams